The culture glorifies hustling until we drop, so we fail to get enough rest. In our minds, we have to get everything done. Work and doing what others need (or want) us to do is the priority, and well rest… we say that we will get to it, but it is almost never happens.
Nobody tells us (or maybe we don’t listen) that pouring into everyone else without filling our own vessel will leave us empty and depleted. More importantly, no one tells us that repetitively depleting ourselves for the sake of others has a long-term negative effect on both our physical and mental health.
We wait for someone to tell us to slow down and take some time for ourselves. We wait for someone to rescue us from the chaos that we create when we don’t make space for self-care. We are convinced that wanting a little peace is selfish, when in actuality it is NECESSARY.
You have been waiting for someone to affirm your need to love on you. Well wait no longer because I am here to tell you that you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you deserve to live well. Taking care of you should be your first priority. I know it’s hard, but I also know that you are WORTH IT!
My philosophy is that the more I live life, the more I will love life. The more I love life, the more I can speak and breathe life into others.
I value experiences over material things, so I love to travel and explore new cultures. I also appreciate international food.
I wish that I could eat what I want and exercise when I feel like it (which would be never), but I can’t.
I believe that this journey does not have to be filled with anxiety and stress. We are better as a community. If you want to know more about me, head over to my about page and take a deeper dive.