This week my energy has been off and I noticed something wasn’t sitting right in my spirit.

After doing some journaling, I think it had a lot to do with the passing of Naya Rivera and Nicole Thea.

For some reason, my mind kept going back to Nicole’s story in particular. She was 24 years old, a content creator, and such a fun dancer. After watching a few of her dance videos, her personality reminded me a lot of myself. It broke my heart when I learned that she passed away 8 months into her pregnancy.

I think I felt it the most when I thought about my own personal birth story. It’s part of the reason why my mother named me Destiny. My mom spent 6.5 months of her 9-month pregnancy in a hospital fighting for my life after doctors told her that I wouldn’t make it. They were not supportive at all. They had completely given up on the delivery of a healthy baby but my mom never gave up.

I now feel a personal connection to women who have pregnancy complications and face challenges like my mother. I can only pray that I don’t have to experience something similar if I ever decide to have children.

Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings with you all. I give myself permission to not always be ok and work through these emotions. I hope you do the same! If you would like to share how you have been feeling lately, add a comment below.