At the beginning of 2020, I set a goal to lose 5-10 pounds before my trip to Bali. Well, I didn’t go to Bali and I also didn’t lose 5-10 pounds.

Before quarantine, I was determined to finally get in shape. I even started going to my least favorite place again…THE GYM. Well kinda. I signed up for ClassPass. It’s a fitness membership where you are allowed to take classes at different fitness studios and gyms for a monthly fee.

I was able to try yoga, barre, Zumba, pilates, and a number of other classes at various places in the Bay area. ClassPass also offers open gym time, so I was able to use the gym equipment as well. I don’t love working out, so ClassPass made it exciting and fun. Every week I challenged myself to try something new at a different studio.

In March, ClassPass went 100% virtual. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind the virtual experience. The classes were a challenge and I was consistent for about 6 weeks. When I decided to move back to Atlanta in May, I completely fell off the wagon. If I’m being honest, I haven’t worked out for the past few months.

Since I didn’t quite make my goal during the first half of the year, I am ready to recommit. I am participating in a 30-day ab challenge with 4 of my friends starting July 22nd. I’m glad I have them to support my goals and help me get back on track. If you want to join the challenge, send me a message on IG.

How is your quarantine fitness routine going? Have you been able to achieve your fitness goals this year?